



A story of bonds spun by Japan's poor parents and their children Episode 1~Bad example~


This is the true story of one man's past and the family that weaves through it.



Taking the Tokyo University entrance exam without cram school! Child-rearing experiences of a family at the bottom of the pyramid


I want you to look back on me as a role model.


Oft-repeated story


I was born in 1974, a junior baby boomer.


I am sure many of you are familiar with this term, but let me explain just in case.


The junior baby-boom generation refers to those born during the second baby boom of 1971-74 and is called junior in the sense that they are the children of the baby-boom generation (our parents' generation).


In this year, more than 2 million births occurred each year, and the large, pot-shaped bulge in the population pyramid corresponds to this area.




At this time, Japan's economy and standard of living were on the rise as baby boomers led the country's postwar period of rapid economic growth, and fast food and convenience stores became widespread.


However, the gap between rich and poor has always existed, I grew up in a poor family without a father, and repeated events from my childhood left me in a rough spot throughout junior high and high school.


If the family environment is bad, they grow up bad. It is a common story.


I, as an example, went off even the path of what is called normal.



Life without purpose



The only purpose of attending high school is to write 00 High School Graduate in the final education section of the resume.


A high school graduate is better than a middle school graduate.


It's all about simple looks.


He goes to school for just that.


Because of this, he was far from being an honor student in school.


Unbeknownst to me, the world was clamoring for more emphasis on academic credentials, and exam wars were heating up in the pursuit of higher education.


It was a time when people were taught that if they could get into a good university and get a job at a big company, they would be safe for the rest of their lives.


More and more families were seeking education, but this generation, with its high population volume
【The weak are the strong.】
However, this generation, which has a high population volume, will come to know the reality of the


Those who had fought a grueling examination war in pursuit of the four words of lifelong security were faced with the bursting of the bubble that had broken and popped the bubble called
The bubble burst when the bubble of a "fake boom economy" broke.



As companies cut back on hiring due to reduced labor costs, the world was filled with college graduates who could not find jobs, and many were forced to work only part-time.


The recession's impact following the bubble economy's bursting was so great that the term "job-hunting ice age" was coined, and we are sometimes referred to as the "Lost Generation.


It is said that more than 4 million people of our generation, who have lived through such turbulent times, are non-regular workers, and although there are various reasons for this, the gap between those who work full-time is widening and time is flowing equally.


I grew up being told by my mother that I should at least finish high school.


I went to high school not for myself, but for my resume, and I am like a plastic bottle with no contents.


If you step on it from above, it will easily flatten out and never return to its original shape.



After graduating from high school, I ran away from home in search of freedom, but even after finding a job, I did not last long and moved from job to job, becoming a civilized social misfit.


Even after he met his wife and moved in with her, he was sometimes allowed to live on her earnings without a job.


The feeling of being left behind in society persists, and a sense of entrapment sets in.


I have no vision of my future self, I have no attachment to life.


I had become lethargic and felt nothing, and I wasn't even sure if I was alive or dead. ......